inseong_love2018-11-14 20:30:44

KNK is the best and Jung Inseong is Best of the Best~ he has the sweetest voice... warmest heart... he's always supportive for other KNK boys... He's full of energy... He has the sweetest and noisiest laugh at the same time... He can turn from a 5 years old baby boy to a hot boy in less than a sec... he's JUST so perfect!!!!!

회사 소개 | 서비스 약관 | 개인정보 처리방침
의견보내기 | 제휴&광고

사업자 : (주)더팩트|대표 : 김상규
통신판매업신고 : 2006-01232|사업자등록번호 : 104-81-76081
주소 : 서울시 마포구 성암로 189 20층 (상암동,중소기업DMC타워)
fannstar@tf.co.kr|고객센터 02-3151-9425

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